Hash Trash #955

TUTU’s abound for Occasional’s Obsession with the calendar date of February 22…aka 2/22……aka tutu. Get it? Some of us did and a few did not.
Some ran downtown at the last minute to purchase a tutu as to not be left out of the festivities. Others begged, borrowed and stole some tutu’s. And the rest already had a closet full of them so their only dilemma was to choose a color and a style that would be fitting for this auspicious date!
FapJack(one of those tutu collectors) was so gracious to loan his virginal white one to Vaginal Repair Kit who had just sworn to me that he would not be caught dead in a tutu! He just got over his fear of dressing like a woman last year to done the required Red Dress for the fundraising hash.  And now the public humiliation of yet again marching around Santa Cruz in some disturbing outfit. Do I dare tell him we have to wear a kilt in a few weeks!

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