Hash #966

Hash #966 Santa Cruz Slug Fest

Hares Timmy and Courtesy Flush decreed that this would be a hometown SC hash and thus ordered everyone to don some form of appropriate attire such as a Banana Slug or Santa Cruz shirt/ hat/socks. Or if you are brave or simply stupid  you can rock the complete Sammy the Slug mascot outfit.

And once you have your necessary attire you can show up at  Humble Seas Brewery on the wild west side of town.


I guess Banana was the only one who got the memo!



Fap did not rock the outfit but he did manage to give us a high five.

Chewy and Shallow bonded again.

Happy slugs slogging across the road.



Not sure if we should proceed cause we can’t seem t follow the rules.


Somehow we ended up at Mitchel’s Cove – a favorite haunt.






Looks like they behaved on the beach.



And off to religion we go.




Broke Bench carrying his portable heater, his substitute blankie.




Banana Basher in his full regalia…or simply a t-shirt….at least it is yellow.






Puff is in the hot seat.



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