Hash 878 – A Pre-Lay Disaster

This weeks trail found us with CumFart Zone and her partner-in-slime, Jizziki, who readily admitted they pre-laid this trail. It started out of wine time and made its awful way from there.

This hare pair needs to go back to hare school!
This hare pair needs to go back to hare school!

It was so horrendous Vaginal Repair Kit refused to participate no matter WHAT CumFart Zone promised him in return. So, after pre-lay was completed, our horrible hare-pair decided more flour was in order so they push-started Jizziki’s sled and casually and haphazardly tossed flour willy-nilly from his car, all the while sipping on a beer. The only cop that spotted them decided he simply MUST be hallucinating and called his replacement in early so he could go to the doctor.

Despite a shitty trail, the after party seemed pretty legit
Despite a shitty trail, the after party seemed pretty legit

And by the time the hounds found this trail, well, this trail made my brain and stomach consider terminating diplomatic relations.

Religion was back at Cumfart’s complex and down downs went to the pool swimmers Pink Cherry Licker, Genital Tongs, Dog Breath, Courtesy Flush and Dung-Fu Grip. Six of Nine was punished for not placing so much as one lousy paw on trail this evening.  Analversaries: Thmp-Thmp has 250 hashes with us and CumFart Zone has reached the magic number of 69. If ONE hare drinks, they ALL drink, hence Jizziki’s attendance beside CumFart Zone. Then a down-down for co-hares Jizziki and CumFart Zone for laying NINE consecutive Beer Near marks before delivering on that promise, they were the worst!

On on,

Pussy Wood

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