Tag Archives: Hash 593

Hash 593: We’ve finally gone to the dogs

I’m finally ready.

I waited an extra long time this week to concoct the Trash for Hash 593. While this hare is deserving of a good thrashing, physically as well as verbally, I wanted to have at least one or two good things to say about her trail. I was unsuccessful.

We started, as is the standard fare for Hugh Heifer’s harings, at Henfling’s Firehouse Tavern in Ben Lomond. As a matter of fact you could make a good argument for Henfling’s BEING Ben Lomond but we’ll say that drunken debate for another Thursday. Our traveling kennel was assembled on the rear deck area for two reasons. One, we had almost as many four-legged hounds as  the two-legged variety (hence the title of this week’s Trash) and secondly, no one from Santa Cruz wishes to be seen at Henfling’s by anyone for whom they care. That may sound harsh but I know many of you are sitting there nodding at your screen. The Boulder Creek Crowd commandeered the table closest to the door to the bar because that’s just the kind of people they are. The Clowns from the Cruz manned the one closest the exit in case a barroom brawl broke out. In keeping with his lackadaisical attitude, Waxi-Pad chose neither but rather took a chair where he could keep an eye on both Tables of Trouble. When no one would buy her another drink, hare Hugh Heifer rose to her full stooped-over height to deliver Instructions of Trail. Though I paid no attention to what she said, I closely inspected her attire. At first I thought it was very ‘green’ of her to be recycling a bag from the Gap for her flour bag. After finishing trail though I decided she was forewarning us about the large “gaps” in this trail that would be sadly lacking in trail marker. As I watched Hugh shaking her flame-red hair, it dawned on me she looks like a kitchen match that refuses to ignite.  She hopped on-out and we returned to drinking beer and petting dogs.

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