Hash Trash #633
I like how Puff described his flash for this hash run, dBASED did turn Scotts Valley into Death Valley! The trail may not have been very long in distance–http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/95983199
, but the terrain was hell. There was a nice /number of us this night, we started drinking at the best bar likely in SV, the Next Door. We even had a virgin Hare named Zach show up,
Thmp- Thmp made him cum. Trail started out front of the bar and we crossed over Scotts Valley Drive and up Glenwood to the SV High School. This is where the hell all began. Trail was scetchy at best. Luckily the temperature in this death valley was a cool upper 60’s. Lucky for us.
You can’t say dBASED did not warn us in his announcement. He did say bring a machete and climbing rope, these would have been nice to have. Weeds we’re higher than our knees.
I wore shorts which ended up working for me. Just Linda joined us, this is her 3rd hash run with us. Mother’s little felcher (MLF) and Sausage Slam made it out this night, and their baby hasher Brooke, her second hash count. They had the stroller but that did not deter MLF he pushed that stroller up both hills! A true hasher! I’ll let you view the map to see all the terrain, but basically up and down up and down and all around.
Just Linda was able to find one of dBASED caches in the Gleenwood housing projects.
Dog Breath snagged the hare at end of trail, dBASEDs’ half minded effort to plan a trail back along the same road, again? He was snagged before for this same tactic.
Hasher’s we’re rewarded some champagne at beer check with an engagement announcement of myself and dBASED, only to find out there wasn’t enough for all to toast or even enough beer. dBASED! Luckily for him hasher’s didn’t attack as religion (and more –beer –cooler) wasn’t far off down the parking lot.
Down down’s for -back slider’s MLF and Sausage slam
, -Just Linda for refusing to pay or take off her hat during her down down,-TIMMY! for his 325th HASH!!,-Virgin Zach-he took the “one ball will do” to seriously and showed us all his left ball!, glad he listen’s to us harriettes!, – Dog Breath cause he’s dog breath, and for hare snag,-DFL down down for TWAT did you say?
and the hare!