Hash 900! The theme was 9’s including a fancy package boob check combo shaped like a 9. Fancy. Things got started at the Crepe Place by our hares

Twisted Fister and Thmp thmp and it was all downhill from there. We wandered the seabright neighborhood rather aimlessly and enjoyed a liquor check in banana bashers driveway along the way.
Puff’s house was the predictable beer check and religion was held in the lot behind Lillian’s. Founder Banana Basher was the first to the altar. He made a rambling speech alluding to the success Surf City has enjoyed. This probably refers to the fact no one has ever died on either a dBASED or Dung-Fu Grip trail. He was also given a nod for this 666th hash with surf City. Really Boring Bitch and Just Andy were busted for utilizing technology on trail

. Religious Adviser Dung-Fu Grip has just awarded award patches to Cumz Out My Nose for 250 trails and and Pussy Wood(Scribe Raiser..HA!…hey fuck you Puff) for 50. Later Cumz said she got this patch weeks ago! Virgins Nicole and Antonia mull over their options for Joke, Song or Body Part. No more pictures are required as both went the joke route.

Just Alisha is posed a series of personal questions prior to her naming as she has just completed her fifth hash. However, a question she forced RA Dung-Fu Grip to rhetorically pose became her name. View on. Six of Nine was awarded a down-down not so much for dragging a bottle of vodka with him to the hash but more for not offering a swig to anyone during Religion. Cheap bastard! Here’s our newest member: goddamnit! How much dick do you need?!? (gonna be a l…o…n…g

And the hares… Thmp-Thmp and Twisted Fister. They were cited for excessively boring trail. Much as are they though now that I come to think about it…Somehow the last order of business became thanking the evening’s Beer Fairy, Pink Cherry Liquor. This is an indication of the disorganization experienced tonight.
On on,
Pussy Wood